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Accutest: A blood glucose monitoring system
Acetone: One of the chemicals called ketones.
Acetone on the breath can be smelt � it smells rather
like pear drops. Ketones accumulate in the blood when
there is too little insulin. High ketone levels can
be dangerous and are the cause of ketoacidosis.
Actrapid: Early type of quick- and short-acting
soluble insulin which had to be injected at least
twice daily � often four times (before breakfast,
midday meal, evening meal, and bed).
A & E: Accident and Emergency department.
�Balance�: magazine published by Diabetes UK.
BCh: Bachelor of Surgery degree.
Benedict's solution: a liquid solution used
to test for sugar in urine.�
Biguanide: oral antihyperglycemic drug used for type 2 diabetes or prediabetes treatment.
BM: Bachelor of Medicine degree.
Caesarean: shorthand for �Caesarean section�, a
surgical operation for delivering a baby by cutting
through the wall of the mother�s abdomen.
CAPD: Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis
� a form of internal dialysis which uses the natural
membrane lining of the abdominal cavity to remove wastes
and water from the blood, instead of filtering the blood
using a haemodialysis machine.� Can be administered
by the patient at home.
Chiropodist: a specialist in care for the feet.� (See also Podiatrist)
Cortisone: A hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands, and can be given as treatment in some adrenal deficiency states.
Culyer: “The Culyer Report: Supporting Research and Development in the NHS”: a report to the Minister of Health, London , HMSO, 1994
DAFNE: Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating �
an educational programme that teaches people how to
adjust their insulin injections to fit their lifestyle
rather than adjust their activities and food intake
to a pre-set insulin regime.
DCCT: Diabetes Control and Complications Trial - major USA clinical study of type 1 diabetes, conducted from 1983 to 1993, which showed that intensive control of blood glucose levels slows the onset of diabetic complications.
DRWF: The Diabetes Research & Wellness Foundation (charity).
Fehling�s solution: a liquid solution used to
test for sugar in urine. (
See also Benedict�s solution.)
G.P.: general practitioner, based in a local
surgery rather than a hospital.
Glargine: (trade name Lantus) a form of
longer acting insulin.
Glucagon: a hormone produced in the pancreas
which raises rather than lowers blood glucose. Because
of this effect it can be injected if someone with diabetes
has a low blood glucose, and for a short while the glucose
will rise to normal. The effect, however, is fairly
short, so as recovery occurs carbohydrate should be
taken by mouth.
Glycosylated hemoglobin test: See HbA1c test.
Haemodialysis: a form of kidney dialysis, administered
in hospitals, in which the blood is cleaned outside
the body by a machine which passes the blood across
a filter.�
HbA1c: Haemoglobin A1c.� The level of HbA1c reflects
the average blood glucose level over the past 3 months.
HbA1c of 6.5% is excellent. HbA1c of more than 10% shows
very poor control.
�Human� insulin: used by interviewees to refer
to genetically engineered insulin, first marketed in
Humulin: �human� insulin first manufactured by
Lilly in the 1980s
Hyperglycaemia: an excess of glucose in the bloodstream.
Hypoglycaemia (�hypo�): a deficiency of glucose
in the bloodstream which leads to progressive loss of
consciousness. A severe hypo would mean that the person
with diabetes was completely unaware of what was happening.
IGT: Impaired Glucose Tolerance – name given to define blood glucose levels that are higher than normal, but below the level of a person with diabetes
Insulatard: a medium duration insulin typically
administered at night and sometimes twice daily.
Isophane: see insulatard
Ketone: break down product of fat that accumulates
in the blood as a result of inadequate insulin or inadequate
calorie intake.
Lantus:a long-acting insulin given usually once
a day to help control blood sugar level.
Laser treatment: interviewees use the phrase
to refer to a variety of medical procedures employing
a laser (a concentrated beam of light) to improve eyesight.
Lawrence, R.D. (1892-1868): English
physician working at King�s College Hospital, London.�
Co-founded the British Diabetes Association (now Diabetes
UK) in 1934.
Lente: A type of insulin first produced by Novo
in 1953 with an intermediate length of action
Metformin: popular drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Microalbuminuria: very small increase in albumin in the urine, which may indicate the onset of diabetic nephropathy.
Monotard: a long-acting zinc-based insulin.
MRCP: Membership of the Royal College of Physicians, a postgraduate exam for UK doctors.
N.H.S.: National Health Service, founded in 1948
to provide healthcare free at the point of use to the
entire UK.
Nephropathy: diabetic nephropathy is a disease
resulting from the destruction of the kidney�s delicate
filtering system.
Neuropathy: disease or dysfunction of peripheral
nerves. Neuropathy typically causes numbness of the
feet in a so-called �stocking� distribution.
Nightingale ward: large, open-plan hospital
ward with dormitory-style rows of beds and no sub-divisions. Named after the pioneering nurse, Florence Nightingale.
NIH: National Institutes of Health, medical research centre, an agency of the United States Department of Health.
NovoPen: Pen-shaped insulin delivery device.
NovoRapid: the trade name for an analogue
of insulin (aspart insulin) which is very short-acting.
NSF: National Health Service Framework - policies set by the UK National Health Service to establish requirements for the quality of care.
Phenformin: drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, no longer widely available.
PMS: Premenstrual syndrome.
Podiatrist: another term for chiropodist, favoured
in the US and EU and used increasingly in the UK.
Protamine zinc: a longer-acting type of insulin
introduced in 1936.
QOF: Quality Outcomes Framework – an annual reward and incentive programme for all GP surgeries in England.
RAMC: Royal Army Medical Corps, a specialist corps in the British Army.
Registrar: a doctor in the UK’s National Health Service who is receiving advanced training in a specialist field in order eventually to become a consultant in that field.
Retinopathy: disease of the retina which results
in impairment or loss of vision. After 1980 retinopathy
could be treated with laser treatment. Before 1980 severe
retinopathy could result in blindness.
Semilente: a mixture of zinc and regular insulin.
Discontinued as a brand.
SHO: Senior House Officer – a doctor undergoing specialist training within the UK’s National Health Service.
St. Vincent Declaration: a meeting of representatives of government health departments, patients' organizations and diabetes experts in St Vincent, Italy, in October 1989. They agreed on general goals and five-year targets for people with diabetes.
Sulfonylurea (UK: Sulphonylurea) derivatives: a class of drugs used in the management of type 2 diabetes.
TB: abbreviation of tuberculosis.
Tobutamide: drug for the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
Type 1: a form of diabetes where the insulin-producing
cells fail very rapidly. Previously called �juvenile-onset
diabetes� because it is this type most commonly found
in children. Insulin is needed to preserve life. A fatal
disease before the discovery of insulin.
Type 2: �a form of diabetes where the insulin-producing
cells fail slowly, but progressively. . Previously called
�maturity-onset diabetes� because it is this type most
commonly found overweight adults.. Insulin is not needed
to preserve life. Type 2 diabetes can be treated with
diet, exercise and oral agents early in its progress.
Insulin is often required later.
U-40, U-80, U-100: different strengths (units per millilitre) of insulin. U-100 became the standard strength prescribed in the UK and the USA from the 1970s.
UGDP: University Group Diabetes Program Study – USA study, published in the 1970s, which apparently showed that people being treated with oral anti-diabetic drugs were more likely to die a cardiovascular death – later disproved.
UKPDS: The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study – major UK clinical study of type 2 diabetes, conducted from 1977 to 1997, which showed that the lowering of raised blood glucose and blood pressure levels significantly reduces the life threatening complications of type 2 diabetes.
Ultralente: the longest-lasting of the three
Lente insulins first produced by Novo in 1953
Ultratard: see ultralente
Velosulin: a trade name for a short-acting insulin.
WHO: World Health Organisation, the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations.