Family memberBorn in Chatteris in 1931.
Clive`s wife, Joan, was diagnosed with diabetes when she was four years old, in 1945. They married when she was nearly 21 in 1962 and had one son. Clive knew little about diabetes when they married but felt it was essential to learn, because when Joan had a hypo, she needed his help to recover. He has always been on the look-out for warning signs and has also supported her through miscarriages and depression. He thinks that coping with diabetes has strengthened their marriage. Had he known what he was taking on, `I`d still do the same thing again tomorrow`.
There is also an interview with Clive`s wife, Joan B.
Please note that Overview relates to date of recording Thursday, October 11, 2007
samples |
1 The most frightening hypo that Joan ever had was in hospital shortly before she had a second miscarriage in 1977. Clive feels that the doctors were slower to spot the warning signs than he would have been. [ 60 secs ] | | 2 In 2002, Joan attended a DAFNE course – to learn Does Adjustment for Normal Eating – and found it very helpful. Clive attended it with her and thinks that it has not proved to be quite as liberating as it claimed to be. [ 60 secs ] | |
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01 Born 1931. Father shopkeeper. The Depression, but not deprived. 5 years at grammar school; shoe trade apprentice; Army; labourer in Australia - returned when father ill & met Joan. | |
| 02 Ignorant re diabetes. Learnt more to it than insulin. Her mother careful re control – set meal-times & snacks. Joan carried scales. Reluctance re exercise – might upset control. If sugars high, wait for hospital appointment; if low, moody. | |
| 03 Joan anxious I should know what to do. Left film before ended to be back by 10.30. Once noticed Joan painting same piece of door repeatedly – had to persuade her to have sugary tea. Married just before she was 21. | |
| 04 After 3 months, Joan pregnant. She wanted 4 children. Low morning blood sugars. Long journey to specialist. Admitted early to maternity home for blood tests – urine tests inadequate. Caesarean. Afterwards, mood swings. | |
| 05 Post-natal depression – we hadn’t heard of it. After around 6 months, returned to normal. After 18 months, pregnant again – no special diabetic care. Miscarriage after 5 months – fragmentary abortion. | |
| 06 No D & C because Joan diabetic - internal infection – abscess – operation – can’t have more children. Couldn’t adopt because I then had cancer. Both disappointed. | |
| 07 Cottage hospital ignorant re diabetes. Returned to main hospital – good consultant. Joan obeyed instructions – good control. | |
| 08 Pregnant again. Lost baby after 5 months. Maternity hospital didn’t liaise well with diabetic dept. or too lax re control – had very low blood sugar in hospital – if she’d been at home, I’d have spotted signs. Nearly lost her. Soon after, lost baby. | |
| 09 Consultant gave home blood-testing meter. Tested frequently, good control, sweet temper. After 5 years, pregnant again – this time good control, but still lost baby after 5 months. Not given much information re diabetic pregnancy. Clinical depression. Hypnosis. Quite happy since then. | |
| 10 Essential I should be involved, because at problem times, diabetics incapable. Made sure meals regular, carried orange juice, gave moral support. In 2002, attended DAFNE course with Joan… | |
| 11 …balanced food intake & insulin. Theoretically freer, but blood test at every meal. Joan’s control good – still no major problems. Control yourself to control diabetes. | |
| 12 DAFNE not as liberating as advertised. Still stick to regular meals. Harder to make judgments re Chinese or Indian food. Course members didn’t take seriously enough dangers of driving with low sugars. Shopping takes longer because reading labels. Diabetes has brought us closer. | |